Tuesday, September 14, 2010

threads and letters and such is life

this is a lotto wish list...



Mod Cloth Beauties...


My Threadless tees have yet to arrive bathed in brown paper goodness. So much for having something fun and new to wear in Portland. Every time I see a UPS truck drive through the neighbourhood, my eyes follow it with hope and longing, only to have that hope dashed when he takes a right instead of a left. I suppose there is still time.

Shameless Garage Sale Plug
Lakewood Community League is having a Garage Sale and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday. Food service starts at 9:30 and shopping starts at 10. I will be there with a table of my own filled with lots of crap that I just couldn`t bring myself to throw away...I mean, lovely treasures for your home!
Join me and buy some crap treasures so you can support my terrible craft-addiction.

Thank you, and good night.
(god damn keyboard...thanks goodness I have a call into my `tech support``...I love you Russel!)


  1. Um, HOME covered in maps = AWESOME! :)

  2. will come after I hit the farmers market. Love a sale baby!


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