Friday, September 17, 2010

Ha! Made you look...

So I just love all those pretty home tours people show on Flickr or their blogs. (I'm holding up my "sarcasm sign" as I write this.) Mainly because my house never ever ever looks like that, and I can't imagine that the house featured in the tour looks like a magazine house all the time either!

And some of my more organized and decor-sensitive friends have been posting "home tours" on their blogs as well. And I envy their clean floors and clear tables and other flat surfaces. Go give Kim and Nadine some love for me! They have actually inspired me to tackle some home projects that I never would have dreamed of, so I can't hate them completely for their "perfect" homes!

And I wonder if they have just pushed the clutter out of the frame, or if the house actually looks like that on an everyday basis. (probably the latter thought)

Because my house just doesn't!

So I thought I would share some photos of my main floor as it is right now. No editing, or shuffling clutter into the kitchen, or a quick tidy before the flash goes. Just plain, real, life in the Kercher world.

This is my real life...prepare yourself accordingly!
You can sort of see the dining room table in this photo. It is usually covered with mail, bits of projects I am working on, Lucas' stuff and the laptop. You can also see the ginormous cooler we took camping in August, but haven't found a permanent home for yet. I should start calling it a "hope chest" and maybe it can become a permanent part of my living room decor! HA!
In this shot you get a lovely view of the Green well as the empty box for my new winter boots on the floor, and an assortment of "stuff" on my precious antique desk. If the dining room table is full, the stuff ends up here.
The living room floor is usually covered with toys. I try to get Lucas to pick up after himself, but it's usually not worth it. That green bin is full of toys that need to go why don't I just take it down there already!?

New clothes from Lucas' birthday (one month ago), empty gift bag ( month ago...again), empty water bottle that I should put in the wash, random collection of birthday cards and craft stuff. This is also where I store some of my spray paint for ease of use (outdoors, dontcha know). No surface is safe!

More stuff that I should just take you see a theme developing?

So this is my main floor in real you like what you see? You can's even tell I painted the walls from these photos!

To help me clear some of this clutter, I am doing another giveaway...sort of. One of the winners of my previous giveaway never got back to me! So I am "re-gifting" the giveaway she was supposed to inherit. I think it's the mixed vintage details from the last big giveaway I did in the summer. A lot of people said they liked this one, so I'm hoping to get lots of comments...please validate me and my lifestyle choices! Deadline for entering is next Monday (the 27th...Happy Birthday Cousin!)...good luck!

Blurry photos by Lisa...if you want to use them please list the source...wait, why would want to use them? Gosh the light is so bad in here today. I just want to pull on another sweater and drink coffee until the cows come home (or I go pick them freak out today at school by the way...PROGRESS!).

No DIY today...sorry...I just haven't come up with anything terribly exciting lately. But I'm always thinking of new things, so I hope to bring back this favourite Feature before too long!

later skater alligator
and thanks for putting up with fickle me! I love ya for it!


  1. I know just what you mean when it comes to the perfect home photos. While nice to look at could you really ever live in such a perfect world. Your house looks like it is lived in with all the toys and paper floating around like a normal person :-)

  2. you're too cute. my main floor does look like that.... becasue I hauled everything into my basement! HA! My diry little secret! Oh and the fact that my darling little one is still inside me and not out dumping their toy bin. I haven't had a basement before and wow can you put a lot down there! I'm working on organizing it but when you pile and pile it's a bit more than I can handle!
    Have a FANTASTIC trip and HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Thursday!

  3. I think it looks just like a home should look.
    Hey, are you off to Portland soon? Say hi to my cousin when you're there, if you don't mind. And Happy Birthday, if I don't make it back before Thursday!


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