So we got to go to the Heritage Festival after all. We got home around 2:30, figured we'd missed it, then Russ went online and found out it was open until 7pm! So we quick got de-camped, and raced to hope a Park N Ride bus to Hawrelak Park. It was so busy there. Long food lines, long ticket lines, crowds in every tent and at every picnic table. And we were in a rush (Russ had a meeting at 7) but we managed to catch some beginnings/middles/ends of performances, ate some great food, and had a good time!
And now I am busy moving camping pictures on to the computer, and then it will be bed time for the kidlet, and then...who knows!?
You know how when it rains, it pours? Well, this week it's pouring for me!! But I got an extra day off work because we lost even more square footage in our office over the weekend plus they are sanding drywall on Thursday, and who wants to be around for that! So I have lots of time to tackle my big to-do list...I hope I didn't forget anything.
And here are a couple of camping photos to tide you over until my next post.
"we" did a lot of swinging and sliding at this little playground in the field where we parked all the trailers. I was on kid-supervision-duty for pretty much the whole weekend...but it was just Sam and Lucas, and they can entertain themselves!
Sam loves colouring and scrapbooking, so we did a lot of that as well. She was quite interested in the scrapbook album I brought along to work in, and she added her own page to the mix!

We also played a lot of Custom Motors. Lucas was pretty good about sharing his toys with Sam, and Sam knows how to stand up for herself when Lucas starts taking them back!

Heinsburg is a tiny town northwest of Edmonton (2.5 hour drive, closest recognizable town is Vermillion). This being a "Hunt Family Reunion" we went to the Hunt's home turf. I have a great uncle who still lives there with some of his sons and grandsons (and families). There is a school, a "post office", a community hall, the field called a campground, and that's about it. But I did get some rad sunset photos of the old Main Street, and these huge dandelions. The kidlets had a fun time blowing them apart after I brought them back from my wanderings (the adults were quite amused as well!).

We were camping in a big field, next to the North Sask River...needless to say there were a lot of mosquitoes. Actually, "a lot" is an understatement. My legs are still covered in bites, and I never get mosquito bites. Never say never, I guess. But I did get a super tan, aside from the red nose...I guess my liberal sunblock application wasn't liberal enough.Maybe tomorrow I'll get some of these printed and start scrapbooking them...I still owe readers a new TNT post! YIKES! what am I sitting around here get my butt in gear!
later skater alligator
p.s Lucas' 5th birthday is in a couple of weeks. can you believe it??? i'm going to be in party-planning mode this week. and my pledge is no plastic dollar store crap...more on this to come!
Sounds like fun at the Festival!Hey, if I ever get though to TM, I'm coming to your aug 14th class! I can hardly wait!!