Wednesday, August 25, 2010

art to art

I love art. I love illustrations. I love seeing into someone else's mind, feelings, fantasies...I love the made up fantastical world that is created when an artist puts pen to paper. I am but a lowly impersonator of an are where the big boys (and girls) play.

from Charming Wall
(the whole site is flash, so I can't snag any pictures)

Evan B. Harris
this guy is all sea monsters and pirates...lovelies

Once I get home an measure an old t-shirt, I'm going to order a crap load of t-shirts from can you say no to a $10 tee? I haven't found a way, not yet...

Examples...if all goes according to plan...

I've been getting lots of compliments on my phone manners know what that means...right? right!?

busy day, means it goes by faster, but I didn't pay as much attention to the blog as I thought I would. oh well.

there's always tomorrow...?

Current fave tv show: Being Human. It's weeklong series playing on space. A ghost, werewolf, vampire and a bunch of british accents...lovely! plus there's one geeky anti-handsome fellow who makes me swoon...his character's name is "george" (love that name) and his real name is russell...oh my...what is wrong with me...???

ah crack...I forgot to get sources for these ones...

m outta here

later skater alligator

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