Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I guess I have to pick a winner...but really you are all winners in my books!

Nadine Karen said...
I like prizes and I love surprises. Not to mention I love mail that I don't have to give money for. {XO}Happy Birthday Lucas!

So Nadine gets the Grand Prize...this week!


Vegas this weekend, yay me. We leave Sunday and come back Wednesday. Nothing special planned, just walking and sightseeing and what not. They don't have antique malls on the strip, or flea markets, or farmer's markets, or craft shows. And that's what I like. It will be neat to see the new(er) hotels and just hang out with Russel and his friends. And it will be super nice to get away from work and home! Am not looking forward to packing. Not at all.


I didn't do up a technique last night...oops! I will have to get something together in my brain for this week, and do up a couple so I don't miss next week too!


Am going to post my classes once I'm done here. Check out: tmclasses.blogspot.com. Some fun ones, I hope...I'll keep my fingers crossed for loads of interest! I have been holding off posting them, because I am never sure of what dates are best, plus I don't have pictures or prices firmed up. But I'll post and see what happens!


i'm trying out some new things for the blog again. I am actually thinking of a name change. I did a little doodle to accompany it, and am now wondering how I can incorporate that into my header and sidebar titles and what not. need to do some more looking into things and then I'll implement some changes fo' real. Shabby Blogs has some new headers that are pretty rad (see above) and as always they are FREE!


Am very bored at work today. not much to do, not that I wanted to do at least! Creperie for dinner with the in-laws tonight. Playschool Open House tomorrow night. Nothing on Thursday...at least not that I know of. Maybe I'll try to make it to the crop on Friday night, if Russel doesn't feel too neglected! Saturday, nothing special going on. Then Sunday we leave.

To do this week: post pictures of latest projects, send prize to Nadine, work on Technique post, eat hummus (it is so good, but SO garlicky!), "tape" SYTYCD Canada, download some rad fonts and make a new header for the blog.

later skater alligator


  1. Your going to vegas? Lucky you! Have fun.

  2. Whooo Hooo!!!! Is the Grand Prize you sneaking me to Vegas with you? Cuz that sounds delightful! ;-)Thanks Lisa!!! I can't wait to see my surprise!

  3. Anonymous9:21 am

    Can I come to Vagas with you? Lucky!


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