Saturday, November 15, 2008

LNC Fruit of my Labours

It was super busy at the store no scrapbooking for me! It was the last day of our Inventory Sale, and 30% means a lot to the scrapbooking women of Edmonton! Wow, and Crazy.

This first page...I know legendary only has one "d". This is a line from one of our fave tv shows, How I Met Your Mother. Barney (aka Doogie Howser) says "lengend...wait for it...dary" and it's very funny. Hence my title.

I really liked writing a swear word on my layout! Tee hee. I'm so naughty!

Still have to do some journaling on this guy.

I love random double page layouts!

My five pumpkins. The new Jenni Bowlin paper is nutricious and delicious!

bye for now. was just checking out Elsie's blog...she has some new layouts up, which are super cute and simple and I love them! I quite enjoy all the wood grain papers. It helps that all of the photos she takes are amazing! My pages always look so pedestrian next to most designers or pros or whatever not because my style sucks, but because my pics are just your basic average photo. No fancy editing software, or macro wide angle lenses, or "actions" or "filters" or lighting options! Oh well...thery're still my memories even if the colour is bad!
Oh, and one other thing...swan.
And Lisa (that's me) when you need a laugh later, just think "hanky dress." You know what I'm talking about! Amy you too!!


  1. Oh Lisa. Please do not tell me that you listen to Swan ?! Sigh.

  2. lovely layout eye candy Lisa!

  3. your pages are gorgeous!

  4. awesome work girlie...


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