Monday, May 26, 2008

'sup girlfriends!

so totally didn't get my butt together to enter the Goodie Box challenge...the page wasn't that great anyways, so I don't feel I'm missing out on anything!

I'm currently working on Juli's canvas and one for the next Riff Raff release. Both of which NEED to be done before I leave on Friday (WOOT!). Hopefully I'll get them posted as well. I am having way too much fun making a mess on my dining room table to ever stop with this whole "mixed-media" thing. And since there is no way all of my creations will make it back on the walls in my house, I'm going to sell them...but I'm not there yet!!! I still have a lot of confidence-building to go before I can really put myself out there like that!

I'm currently sitting at the store (yes we're closed), waiting for a "student" to take my Ranger class. She is not here yet, and it's already almost quarter past six. SO I think I can safely assume she's not coming. So I'm going to clean up the mess I made, and see if I can catch Russ and the little guy before they eat dinner without me.


1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to see what you are doing and i want adding to that long list of canvas wanting people and i will pay :)


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