Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Anam's Tagging Challenge

Warning! Blurry photo ahead!

Anam's "challenge" was to complete a page containing 7 unique things about yourself. So here is my take on it. My 7 things are:
1. I used to be a vegetarian
2. I love voting in elections
3. I can do accents
4. I don't like setting goals
5. I have an uncanny memory for recognizing people I've never actually met
6. I love clothes shopping, but am not a snappy dresser
7. I am very forgetful, but never late
Note on #5: I can recognize a person I sat with on the bus once, or attended lectures with me at University, or was a substitute for my class in elementary school. If one day you hear me say: "I know that person from somewhere..." just give me a moment and I'm sure I'll remember from where.
See the original here

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Lisa! You won the Goodie Box Challenge! Woo Hoo for you! Your persistence paid off! I saw that fabulous Halloween goodie bag you won (with some Fab Martha Stewart stamps)! :)


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