Monday, January 14, 2019

One Little Word 2019 - Current

My One Little Word for 2019 is Current.

This word came to me...well...not easily. I had an idea about what I wanted to accomplish this year, especially how I wanted to feel. But I didn't know how to put that into words. I had no flipping idea actually.

So I did when any on-the-cusp-Millennial would do. I went to the internet. But I didn't find a lot of help there. It wasn't until I listened to an episode of one of my favourite podcasts that it finally clicked.

Current means:

  • Belonging to the present time
  • Used as a medium of exchange
  • Moving continuously in a certain direction
  • Flow marked by force or strength
  • Steady flowing movement

  1. My blog,
  2. Currently cards done weekly,
  3. Album for photos and other inserts.

The album I'm going to use is an old photo album that my Dad had bought and never opened. It's nothing fancy, or even nice looking, but it's in good shape and it serves my purpose. I really want to add more photos to my OLW documenting in 2019 - this is something I identified as lacking in my 2018 documentation - and using a photo album seems an obvious easy way to make sure I have space to do that.

We're already a few weeks in, and I feel really good about my word. I am excited for the comfort and the challenges it will offer me this year.

Oxford Dictionary definition
My "Current 2019" Pinterest Board
All of my One Little Words posts are tagged here.
Link to Episode 53 of The Crafty Ass Female Podcast: Diving Deeper in One Little Word
And as always, find more information here about the creator of One Little Word - Ali Edwards - and the workshops and inspiration she provides.
My past words: Honesty 2014 // Simplify 2015 // Time 2016 // Action 2017 // Connect 2018



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