Thursday, January 10, 2019

Adventure in Mexico 2018

I already wrote a post about my feelings after traveling with family, so this one will be a more light-hearted look at our Mexico 2018 Adventure!

When I looked back at all of the photos, I knew right away that I was going to have a hard time narrowing them down and deciding which to include here. So I turned on my scrapbooker's brain and asked myself: "what story can you tell in 20 photos?" It wasn't easy after that, but it was slightly less daunting!

So, here is my story!

The resort was lovely. I managed to wake up early enough to catch one sunrise!
Sunset on the beach, a favourite time and place to just be.

Surprising no one, we spent almost every waking minute we weren't eating in the pool. Surprising everyone, Lucas fell in love with snorkeling. Auntie brought the guys' gear down with her one day, and he was hooked! He didn't join us in the ocean (photos to come in a future post), but he got many hours in staring at the bottom of the pool.

Some of us made a choice to head into Playa del Carmen for a few hours one afternoon. We left my parents and Evan in the pool, called a taxi, and headed in to town, which was a 10 minute ride away. "Fifth Avenue" is super touristy, but we were there to be tourists, and the boys only got a little anxious when the locals kept calling us "Canadians" or asking us if we remembered them from the resort. The restaurant we stopped at for lunch was top rate, and our server showed Jacob a neat trick with his pop!

There was a theatre at the resort, but we didn't go to many shows. "Mexican Michael Jackson" was a must see, and even if some of the costumes are corny, it is always a treat to experience this music "live".

I love bugs and animals and was super excited at all the fun creatures we encountered! The bug in the first photo was paraded around the pool on my arm. I offered to show him off to any kid or adult who wanted to see. This wasn't the only bug I let crawl all over me! The next photo is me trying to save my sister's milkshake from a hungry and curious coati. I didn't have any good luck, and there is other photographic proof that 4 coati snouts can fit in a plastic cup at the same time.
There are signs literally everywhere advising folks not to feed the animals, but of course no one pays them any attention. All of the animals we saw - coatis, raccoons, cats, monkeys, peacocks - were not afraid of people, and many would come right up to you. Especially if it appeared you had food. The raccoon in the photo above really wanted whatever might have been on this plate!

And to cap it all off, here is a little video compilation of some videos I snagged over the week. I could have watched that group of monkeys swing from tree to tree all day...

My first Adventure in Mexico post deals with the important - and sometimes difficult - theme of traveling with family.
And here is the mini album we made down there.


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