Saturday, December 22, 2018

Holiday Crafts - Sparkly Wreaths

I haven't done much holiday crafting the past few years - other than my December Daily - but this year got me into sparkly wreaths. And so began the Week of Glitter.

The first one I built was a housewarming gift for a dear friend who took possession of her new place 5 days before Christmas! Another gal from work saw what I was working on, and was so pumped that I offered her a wreath as her Xmas gift. "Pink" she said, "any shade".

After I got so many lovely comments on Instagram about those two initial wreaths I made, I put it out there that I was "opening commissions" for sparkly wreaths. Here is a very convincing testimonial....

I was asked to do four more wreaths. They take a long time to make, and everything in my home is now covered in glitter, but they are FUN.

I am now done for the season, but as they were a middling hit, I am going to make a plan to do more in 2019. Step 1: start earlier!!

It was hard to type this post, as I got some extra superglue on my finger tips and now they're all slippery.

Watching a funny movie, or listening to your favourite jams while crafting is imperative. What We Do In The Shadows is now my new favourite movie.

Happy Solstice everyone!

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