I've been working on some new felties...skulls with crowns! And I made one pirate skull (with an eye patch and a funny hat) and I really love it, so i'll be making more of those too. Hopefully be in the store next week. But I'll wait till Saturday so my ladies get first look!
Once I get caught up with doing ones for the store, I'm going to make a crap load and sell them on Etsy! They should do good there...lots of crafty people and scrapbookers. I can't wait for Elsie's Neverland Collection (her paintings). But I know I'm going to miss the "release" date and then everything will be gone and I'll be SOL.
xoxo - love you! Can't wait to see what you created on Saturday! Oh, and that MK stuff - FanTASTIC! I so totally need to get my new job to be able to afford all that stuffs...