Thursday, February 06, 2020

The Selfie Project

I started something on January 17, 2020. Something that could be a big thing, but it's no skin off my back if it doesn't turn out.

I guess this was a popular ("viral") thing awhile back. And probably still is. So maybe I'm just jumping on a bandwagon. The point of this project isn't even to share it once complete. Whatever "complete" looks like. My small goal is to do it for one month. But ultimately I want to do it for...ever.

I'm still working on the logistics. This looks like:

  • smile or no smile?
  • dark background works best I think
  • do I need to get the camera closer to my face?
  • am I going to mash them up in a video and how will that work?
  • my front facing camera is shit for selfies and that's so dumb Google, c'mon!

But I'm also not trying to let it take up too much of my brain. It's another fun way to document my life, and y'all know how much I love that! People are so fragile and complicated and beautiful. What a precious and intimate way to explore my own life.

Now it needs a better name. Any ideas?

This is the video that inspired me to do this. This photographer has been taking a selfie every day for 20 years. He is my age, and it blows my fricken mind to watch this video. When I think of where I might be in 20 years...

xo Lisa

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