Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lisa Reads 2019 - A Summary

It's one of my favourite posts of the year...the BAR GRAPH POST! I love a good bar graph (I love a bad bar graph, which I think this is one...)

At any rate, this is my annual attempt to somewhat categorize the books I read over the past year. Now that I have a couple of years of this under my belt, I am enjoying comparing my year-over-year numbers.


I don't keep track of other genres I read, so my list always looks really heavy on the sci-fi/fantasy front. Some of my other favourite genres are thriller, historical fiction, romance. I find that many books I read blur genres, and since I'm not too picky about that, it's easiest to keep track of my favourite fave only. And kind of fun to compare to previous years! In 2018 I read 41 sci-fi/fantasy books. I top the chart without even trying!

I am excited to see how many books by lady authors I read this year! I can't compare last year's numbers to this years (I calculated it differently), but I think I'm on par. It's important to me to include diverse voices, and to make them the majority in fact. Now that I have been focused on it for a few years, I find it very easy to do.

I was (kind of) on a podcast! My question was chosen for an episode of "Get Booked in the Summer". I was looking for a book recommendation for my Dad. His Christmas gift was one of the books that they recommended, and I played our part of the episode for him before he unwrapped it. He was sort of confused as to what he was listening to, but it was fun to watch his expression when he "got it".

Light Brigade blew my dang mind. Like, I just can't get over it. Wow. WOWWWWW. (I chatted about it in this episode of "Lisa Gets Cozy").

Sharp Objects was a surprise love on summer vacation. But I did not like the TV series or Gone Girl. This was a reminder to get out of my comfort zone, and that sometimes it works and sometimes not so much. But that's okay. Because I never met a book I was afraid of putting down!

I was considering sticking to my goal to read 52 books, even though I tend to always go over, but I think for 2020 I'll up the ante. For me, this whole exercise is less about the challenge of the total number, and more about the details.

  • Read 60 books in total
  • Read 5 Short Story Collections
  • Read 18 Non-Fiction books, with at least 50% authored by women or POC
  • Read 25 books by "Diverse" authors (and come up with a better term for that, geeze Lisa)
  • Read 1 book of poetry
  • Create an Instagram Story Highlight reel for my faves
  • Record a "Lisa Gets Cozy" video every quarter
  • Host a "Book Club" in my home once a quarter
  • Start building my lending library

Do you have any reading goals for 2020? What was your favourite book (or books) in 2019? What are you excited to read in 2020?

xo Lisa

Here is the episode of the Get Booked podcast featuring my question. It's a great podcast overall, and I highly recommend it.

My 2019 Book List...for all the books I read this year.

ALL of my Lisa Gets Cozy episodes are collected here. These are so much fun to record, and I can't wait to do more in 2020!

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