Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I Love Jane Austen

Last month I was telling Dan that it is very "on brand" for me to start purchasing all movies based on Jane Austen books. I mean, I haven't, but it wouldn't be surprising if I went there. Books, movies, mini series, tv series, adaptations...I literally can't get enough.

I just finished reading my favourite of all her books: Persuasion. I long ago lost track of how many times I've read it. There were a few years (a few rough years), where I re-read it multiple times per year. My copy is well-loved, and well-worn.

And well referenced! My ongoing joke is that soon this book with be all dog-eared. Many pages are already double dog-eared. Sorry if this image makes you cringe. I know this is a pain point for lots of folks!

You know how there are some quotes that just stick in your brain no matter what. A lot of mine are from this book. Captain Wentworth's letter still ranks way up high in most romantic thing I've ever read, and Anne Elliott is such a delight that most of the words out of her mouth are sweet perfection.

Do you have a favourite Jane Austen book or movie? Tell me about it!

ALL of my 2019 Book posts - reviews, discussions, recommendations, etc. - will show up here.


1 comment:

  1. I've only read Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. I enjoyed them but don't remember much. Might have to keep my eyes out at the Beach Library!


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