Friday, October 12, 2018

Tell a Story - Zumba Keeps Saving My Life

Zumba saved and continues to save me.

About 8-ish years ago, my friend Naomi invited me to join her at a Zumba class in a nearby elementary school. It was fall/winter, and I had to walk across a field to get there, but I thought why the hell not?

I've had stops and starts, dry periods, and a few weirdo instructors since then, but I keep coming back to it.

I used to tell my Zumba story in terms of changes it made to my body. But I don't think that way anymore. Instead I think about how Zumba has changed the way I feel. I especially love taking Zumba in the fall and winter. Once the days start to get shorter, the JOY that I feel in a Zumba class becomes even more important to my overall mental health. I can count on it to blast away the darkness for one evening hour every week.

I may have to drive into the deep south to get there, but it's worth every minute right now. Until I find a closer class that is! My ultimate goal is to find something close to home that I can walk to. Gosh, that would be sublime.

Starting at the beginning of September, I challenged myself to MOVE MY BODY every day for the rest of the month. Day 30 came and went in a Zumba class on October 3.

I wrote about my love of Zumba on a blog I used to contribute to, but that post is no longer on the internet! But I thought the internet was forever!
Myths and Stereotypes are Ruining my Zumba Class by Dances With Fat
Shake it Out: What Zumba Taught Me About Tackling Fitness Standards and Loving My Body by Adios Barbie


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