Friday, October 26, 2018

One Little Word 2018 - Connect

Whoa! It has been AGES since I did a proper One Little Word post! I made some time last weekend to do some of the prompts, going back a few months now, and paint a few pages.

May's prompt was to include photos of examples of your One Little Word for that month. I had a lot to choose from, as May was a positive month for connections for me. This last page shows the We Believe Gala in support of the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton. I volunteer on their support line, so it was important for me to help them out with their silent auction that night. Also, Tarana Burke was their special guest. which was a real treat. She is the creator of the Me Too Movement. For both May and June, I wrote a simple summary of some of the ways I connected with my word that month.

I used the prompt from last year's OLW workshop for August. Ali Edwards asked us to think about the current "Chapter" of our lives, what we are struggling with and what we are celebrating. These are important thoughts to ponder in every chapter, and I might have to add them into more regular and purposeful rotation.

This next spread is for July. In last year's workshop Ali Edwards asked us to include our favourite quote or song lyrics related to our words. This year I found some lyrics of a song that I think fits well with how I was feeling about my word that month. (That was the month my sister and her family moved to Dubai).

September was ROUGH for me this year, and my reflection and the quotes on the following pages accurately show how I was feeling both in general terms, and as related to my word. When everyday life becomes difficult to show up for, it can be difficult to focus on something so abstract as a "One Little Word". On the other hand, it can also be empowering to have a lofty aspiration, such that a OLW can provide, to focus on and bring some light to the darkness.

I don't yet have an overall opinion on how my One Little Word is going this year. What I do know, is that it feels totally different from last year's word and my experience living and documenting it. Even just a few months ago, say in the spring, it feels like I am relating to my word on a completely different level. It's exciting to see such a change in myself in only a short time. Whether or not the change has been for the better, only time will tell.

Until then, I continue to enjoy this practice of maintaining and documenting my life as it relates to one word, and I look forward to the final months of the year and how CONNECT will manifest in my life.

All of my 2018 OLW posts are available here.
If you like the "art journal" posts, check out this tag.
And as always, find more information here about the creator of One Little Word - Ali Edwards - and the workshops and inspiration she provides.
My Connect 2018 Pinterest board.


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