Monday, August 27, 2012

It's Almost September!?!?!

Where the HECK did summer go? I guess we've got about a month left of "technical summer", but with school back in it gets harder and harder to enjoy those late nights and loose weekends.

I thought I would take today to check out how I did on my "Summer Manifesto" - both the real and the goofy - and overall how my summer panned out in the great scheme of things!

And then I got busy and forgot about it, and left this post scheduled for this morning without any of the goodies in some of you might be having a strange sense of Deja Vu at this point. Anyhoo.

I saw some whales, and met up with a real life.

I enjoyed my backyard, and drank lots of mojitos (and beer).

I did go for loads of coffee dates, and had some drinks out (with R, & with BFF).
Thank heavens.

But I did not have people over, and I did not go to any movies, or host any movies at my place, or organize play dates, or eat breakfast out.

But to be honest, I am quite satisfied with my summer so far! I may not have stuck to my lists, but I was quite busy. And I would rather focus on the "dones" that the "not-dones".

I went camping twice and I went to the beach a bunch of times.

And I went to Folk Fest and Wide Mouth Mason.

And Heritage Days, and Taste of Edmonton.

And I organized half of my fricken messy basement! And got lots of other cleaning done.
These last items weren't on my list originally, but they made it there last week!

And summer isn't over yet! I am planning to have people over for my birthday in September (stress!) that might involve some sort of BBQ and games night!

I am looking forward to the fine weather we are sure to get headed into Fall. And maybe, just maybe, checking off a couple more "Do Mores" on my lists!

How did your summer stack up? Did it live up to all the hype!? HA!

later loves


  1. My summer has been wonderful! Love the photos, Lisa, but could you please not use the "S" word again?

  2. Anonymous9:54 pm

    Dude! You never told me that you got a speeding ticket because I awkwardly talked your ear off. Whoops. I definitely owe you a beer!


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