Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my stuff

now for my latest.

I was going to submit this layout for THREE CHALLENGES. And I didn't make it. Oh well. It's not my fave. This beautiful flower is called the Melody LISA Dahlia. Awesome!

Sneak peek of my Riff Raff DT layout. The orange fish is a UV sticker (the one you put on to tell when you need to apply more sunscreen! I saved them years ago in the hopes they would come in handy one day!!)

I reused the Thank You card Veronica gave us for her birthday. My grandma rocks!

And I learned something new camera-wise. I have never been able to figure out the whole F-stop thing on my camera (if you set your F value as low as it will go, you can take a pic where the object in the foreground will be super in focus and the background will be blurred). now don't ask me what the F stands for, or for any actual technical terminology regarding this one...I am just making it up as I go along! Most of the things I do with my camera are by accident i.e. because I bumped a button with my elbow or something. I do know that I need to have it on the Programmable setting, (for these shots I used Super Macro) and then I can adjust the F value (I think for this pic it was on 2.7 or 3.2, don't remember).

It helps when you have as cute a subject as Lucas and his trains, but not so much that he kept stealing the trains I was trying to photograph, and he kept moving around so I have lots of pics of his foot and butt! But I think this one turned out super rad! I am so proud of myself! Maybe I can make use of this on my trip.


  1. Bwa ha ha...great use of recylcing my thankyou card. Looks great!

  2. Absolutely LOVE that photo!! Playing with cameras is the way to go. You know you can always ask me about the techie stuff.


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