Wednesday, March 19, 2008



OLW: Find (due mar21...this weekend! better get going!)
Scrapjacked: a really nice and simple layout by Janine Langer (due mar26)
Scrapmojo: will be announced on the 20th (due mar30)
Category Stories: "if I had a million dollars..." (due mar31)
Scrapping the Music: Lenny Kravitz's "Fly Away" (due mar21...i think they are weekly challenges. they are also doing a DT call)

I see that Lisa submitted one for Category Stories (you go girl!), and if I get my butt in gear I may get a couple more done before the deadlines.

We are going to San Diego in exciting! Russ' brother is running a marathon down there for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada and he wants some familiar faces to catch him at the finish line (and carry him home!!). We are planning to stay for a week, and get some site seeing in. Plus, my favourite-of-all-time Adrienne L. lives there! Hazaa! I promise there is no stalking in my itinerary!

P.S. Stupid PC Financial mastercard...I am so mad at them right now. I sent a cheque over a month ago for the Feb bill and it never gets deposited! So I get charged interest and my next bill is even more giant. Since I can't figure out what went wrong and assume that they just never got my cheque, I send another one for the total amount of my next bill plus a little bit to cover any more interest they decide to charge me. when I check my account balances this morning I can't figure out why I have $0 in my chequeing and way not enough in my savings. Turns out they cashed BOTH CHEQUES within 2 days of each other! One a month late! Argh! So now I have a $1200 credit on my MC. Stupid stupid stupid. They should credit me for my interest or something, since they obviously got my cheque and it shouldn't be my fault that it took them a month to do something about it.

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