Wednesday, August 29, 2007

this page needs something...?

I dunno, does it? I would like to add a title, but am not sure where or in what colour or size. Argh! I think it's purtty enough as is, but a title isn't a bad thing to add! P.S. this page is just for me...not for any challenge. Veronica, found out about HMITM yet? They take so long to decide! I can't wait for the new Goodie Box one in September, and the Scrapjacked ultimate dare.


  1. Nope, I didn't win. I would have to go out and buy a lotto ticket if I won my first time submitting!

  2. Oh, you can do a title at the bottom on the ride side of the page. Not too big. Not sure what color. I think making it all one font (instead of mixing it up) would be cool. That's just me (cause you gotta a lot of other stuff happening).


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