Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Lisa Reads - The Internet

Every Wednesday in the wee hours of the morning, our work servers "reboot" (or whatever the actual term is for that), so I spend a few minutes on Tuesday before I leave closing and saving everything I've got open on my computer. This includes closing up my Incognito Browser Window (shhhhh). So, every Tuesday I send myself an email with a bunch of links I have been discovering throughout the week, so when I close down, I can get back to reading...eventually.

This is a really long way to say that I am going to start sharing those links with y'all here on a weekly basis! Welcome to...

Fiscally Disastrous - Alternet

Remember when Republicans cared about debt - The Washington Post

Bike Advocacy's Blind Spot - City Lab
"We are in a moment of tremendous change. The bike movement, which was accustomed to being a little movement, hasn’t necessarily figured out how to be a part of the broader landscape of social change."

The Best Medicine for my Climate Grief - Yes Magazine
"I sense a social barrier to talking about these emotions. If I bring up climate change in casual conversation, the topic is often met with awkward pauses and the polite introduction of new subjects. "

Defending Deveny - That's My Philosophy (blog)
This one's from a few years ago, but it's a nice breakdown of a specific example of the meme I've been seeing circulate again on how men perceive women dominate a conversation when we speak only 30% of the time.

Remember 'Enforced Monogamy'? - We Hunted the Mammoth
CN: For extreme misogyny and violence against women

And continuing on the thread of JP...
Reconsider the Lobster by Kate Manne. I am on the holds list for her book, and I can't wait!
Again, CN: For extreme misogyny and violence against women

Breaking it Down - Pembina Institute
CN: Climate change is real don't @ me
"A price on carbon pollution leaves the door wide open for the most innovative companies and the most creative ideas, and leaves freedom for consumers to make the choice that works best for them."

Edmonton Football Team Still Thinking About It's Name - Edmonton Quotient
"The answer, of course, is right in front of Rhodes and the team’s ownership: would they call Inuit people coming to a game “e***mos”? Of course they wouldn’t."

Most Public Engagement is Worthless - Strong Towns

And let's finish off this list with a nice book list!
10 Books About the Plague. Ooh! The Plague!!


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