Nadine - gods bless her - gave me a whole stack of papers from the cutest Simple Stories line! There are little houses, and plants, and vacuum cleaners, and washing machines! Wait, what?! Now, I am not the type to scrapbook my chore list (any more...I probably did so at one point in my career), but I am kind of enamored with plants and pie charts, and this line had more than its fair share of those!
In fact, two of my stamps from #100daysofstampcarving were inspired by this line!
The pattern paper you can see peeking out from behind the photo was made with one of my #100daysofstampcarving stamps.
I love pie charts!

This was actually a really fun way to USE some of my hand carved stamps. When I started that project, I wasn't sure what I would do with the stamps when I was done, and didn't have a plan for designing them other than "what looks good today." But what looks good to me, works with my art as well. Handy!
All of the stamped leaves on this page are from stamps I created during my 100 Day project. Can't go wrong with leaves...
Photos were taken on Moving Day Part Two, and a week or so after moving day. First beers on our patio felt pretty good!
I may only scrapbook in fits and bursts, but it still feels good. I feel out of touch with things going on in the scrapbooking world (so out of touch), but it's still fun to play with paper and pretty things on this scale.
These are beautiful! I love those little houses!