Monday, May 01, 2017

Lisa Reads 2017 - First Quarter Update!

Lisa Reads 2017 is going strong, and I am excited to do more updates and recaps throughout the year. Something I learned about myself last year was that I struggle with "Book Reviews" but I also enjoy thinking about and remembering books I have read. So I am looking at this as a "stretching" exercise...stretching my mind and my writing skills in this area. Because I can't get better at something if I don't practice it!

I really saw a slow down in my reading toward the end of March and into April. So much so, that every time I got another "hold notification email" from the library I groaned. WHO AM I?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

But I am back on track, and have read a lot of winners in the last few weeks! I still groan when a hold notification email comes in, but I just learned that my holds list is EMPTY! Which means I guess I need to start filling it back up or something...

Holy shit guys! Holy. Shit. I just noticed that 50% of the books I read since January were non-fiction! Last year I read 13 non-fiction books in total! Whoop whoop!

These three definitely topped my list of best/most memorable. A Year of Yes was just so dang positive and optimistic. Sex Object: A Memoir was a fascinating look into the life of a [controversial?] journalist and public figure. And feminist. And Better Than Before gave me some much needed insight into habits, despite her sometimes aggressive, "Type A" way of looking at the world!

Looks like my faves for this quarter were all genre books...horror genre to be specific!

Revival is a stellar graphic novel about zombies, but not quite the ones you expect. And The Borden Dispatches portray an older, wiser, spinster Lizzie Borden and her sister, examining an alternate - fantastical - story behind their parent's gruesome deaths. i.e. there be monsters here.

Well, I currently have SIX books out from the library because I am a sucker for punishment, apparently. And while the header up there reads "Currently Reading", it's more like "Haven't Started Yet, But I'm Hoping To At Least Crack a Spine Before The Due Dates", with one lone exception!

1) Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than you Ever Imagined by Scott Sonenshein (this is the only book on this list I have started reading!)
2) Sum: Forty Tales From the Afterlives by David Eagleman (for book club)
3) Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys by Daniel Kindlon
4) Difficult Women by Roxanne Gay
5) The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin
6) Ruin & Rising by Leigh Bardugo


My complete Book List 2017 can be found here.
Leave your book and audio book recommendations in the Comments! Thanks!

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