Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Doodly Doo Da Doo

I lurve Wes Anderson movies. They are quirky and adorable and full of detail and colour and life...just like me! Oh I kid...but when I saw this on somebody's blog (I don't read a lot of blogs, and yet still I forget) I did a little back flip in my head. And probably flapped my arms a little bit. Whee!

Videos don't work on my computer at work, and while I haven't actually watched the video properly yet (I'm really selling this to you now, aren't I?!) it looks amazeballs and BFF assures me that it is a lovely trailer. LOVELY! To which I replied, "I want my house to look like a Wes Anderson film." Yep, random dorkiness abounds 'round these parts.


Grand Budapest Hotel...I love you too.

later loves

p.s. That was a funny blip post this morning. Serves me right for scheduling things before I have time to add my photos. Yep.


  1. It is indeed a lovely trailer! And it looks pretty darn funny so get home and watch the whole trailer already! ;)

  2. aaaargh! I didn't mean to post three of the same message..


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