Friday, February 15, 2008

I should win an award

Some sort of bloggin award should be set up this week and I should win it cause i've been on this darn thing everyday it seems! Even Russ noticed my computer habit this week. I have been scrapping, and sleeping and doing (some) dishes and I even vacuumed today before I came downstairs.

Valentine's Day:

Russ brought home yummy Tokyo Express and Lucas ignored his chikcen fingers. We watched the Cars movie and read some stories. After Lucas went to bed Russ and I watched Superbad and then Lost. Which was awesome, but still frustrating. What the HECK is going on?? Argh! And Superbad was funny and I wondered if all teenage boys talk like that and I think the answer is yes. That makes me re-evaluate my sex talk with Lucas, for when it eventually comes up!!

Cool Earrings

Overlooked is so cool. This blog is not only great to look at, Ashley totally has some cool ideas to get you inspired to take photos and think about the things in your life. This time the subject is "collections"

Scrapjacked still hasn't posted the winners from their latest jacks. I can only presume that they are so busy putting together giant prize packages for the winners (aka ME) that they haven't gotten around to blogging yet!

Hey Juli check this out... This is a kit club that only does embellishments, no paper! Which is a cool idea because I can never justify buying a whole package of 112 Prima leaves when all I really think I'll use are 5.5.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the company's blog is better than their website? What is up with that? Some are equally awesome (Hambly springs to mind), but some websites are especially lacking in the upcoming CHA awesomeness stuff. You have to track down a blog or someone who was at the show to see what's coming up. Or read the magazines, which I am so not keen on! Hmm. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Glitz is sparkly! They have some rad "eye candy" Little birdies that are all bright and shiny. So cute! And they have some very snazzy rubs! And there's this thing called a roller-doodle. WOO HOO! Me likey!

Be awesome and popular and get free stuff! Craft Critique is looking for new Reporters (like Clark Kent but without the geeky glasses and the red spandex briefs!). There's a whole write up on their site as to what you need to provide in order to be considered, but I would consider any of my Blog readers excellent for the job! They are looking for traditional-scrapping reporters as well as hybrid/digi. Now, you have to write an "essay" but don't let that discourage you! Channel your inner english professor and do it up baby! I don't think I'll be submitting, as I am already far too busy with my own blogging enterprise to have "homework" to do each month, but for someone (like Juli, or Anam) I thought this might interest.

Should go and try to get Lucas to sleep. he's still just playing in his room. Then I'll get some scrapping done, and maybe get some dinner together (mmm Pizza). Then work tomorrow (hazaa). I'll be waiting for my award. I take trophies, cash, Hambly rub ons, just no first borns.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you should win an award for reading my mind! I was totally going to do that Craft Critque thing, H-E-L-L-O I work at a school and could totally get some help :P See ya tomorrow I look forward to it since its been an uber crappy week!


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