Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Weeze the juice...bu-DDY"

Don't these guys just make you happy? I haven't bought one yet...I saved one in my cubby for later!

Haven't been up to much lately. I wanted to re-organize my scrap space, but with the crappy weather, I haven't been able to get out and buy the things on my (short) list. So I have to find another project. have been fooling around with Corel program Juli gave me. It totally gave me a major headache this afternoon, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. Am submitting a page for the layout contest at work (for funsies only...i will still make sure V and N get all the votes!) and added a couple of digi-elements (see below). I'll post the page maybe later, once I get the scan done.

Am teaching another class at the store tomorrow (thank G for Chalotta!). Have started another Blog ("Lisa where do you get the time??") to post layouts for all the classes at TM. Will need to get up mighty early tomorrow to defrost car, and make sure I've got my stuff together, which I never do! Am bringing Lucas along...with lunch...for him and his "babysitters"! The girls rock so hard for watching him while I teach (or run errands or just hang out!). And it will be nice just to get out of the house. I think he is going a little crazier than normal!

ta ta...have been checking out some CHA sneak peeks (thanks Juli!) and boy is it going to be an awesome next few months in the world of scrappin. I hope my budget improves!

P.S. If you have never seen the movie Encino Man with Sean Astin and that other guy and Pauly Shore, go rent it. It's an oldie but goodie and I swear you will laugh!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's great work with the digi..... I like your TM DT link on the side, looks sooo much better :)


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